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Friday, May 25, 2012

Our New Obsession - Chickens

Here are the older girls: 2 Rhode Island Reds, 2 Barred Rocks, and 4 Red/Gold Comets

Here are the bantams: 1 Gray Rooster, 1 Buff Pullet, 1 Black Pullet, 1 Old English Game
Also, in this photo is the younger Barred Rocks, 1 pullet, 1 future rooster (the lighter black/white one in front)

This is an Easter Egger.  Notice the flat comb.  I hope it's a she.

Here's the other EE chick I bought.  I also hope it's a girl.  It has a very anemic looking comb so maybe it will never turn red and I can get some blue or green eggs.

I don't know what I will do if they turn out to be boys.  I don't want to irritate the neighbors with crowing from more than one rooster and I dont want them fighting and harming or killing each other.  I like reading how roosters help protect the flock from predators, and I think I'd like to try hatching eggs next sprint, but I also don't want the hens to be chased so much by more than one rooster.  I plan to separate the bantams from the full sized chickens so I don't worry about the bantam rooster having a problem with the big flock.

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